Powderpost Beetles: How Four Seasons Can Help You?

Powderpost Beetles

Powderpost beetles are insects of the subfamily Lyctinae, known to be wood-borers and convert wood into a fine, powder-like substance. They generally live in environments where they have access to untreated hardwood-for example, old furniture and structural beams, and particularly in humidly rich environments, which favor their development. The name “powderpost” refers to the powdery residue left as a result of their boring into the wood. Their presence may be indicated by small, round exit holes on the surface of the wood, fine wood dust accumulating below infested areas, and a weakened or hollow sound when tapping occurs on the affected wood.

The Four Seasons Way!

Here at Four Seasons, we understand that powderpost beetles are prevalent in Michigan. Any place that has wood or structure to eat they will do so.  We pride ourselves on making sure your places are pest-free guarantee. We offer the best powderpost beetle treatment option and include a warranty option to keep your home and property safe.  Our process is simple and easy. First, we offer a free inspection/meet-in-greet. Second, we inspect the areas for powderpost beetle activity and offer a quote. Third, the technician applies pest control to care of your critters. Fourth, you receive a warranty to make sure the battles will stay away. At Four Seasons Ext, we can be your powderpost beetle pest control company. Please contact us or fill out a free instant price quote below.