Spiders: How Four Seasons Can Help You?


There are many spiders in Michigan, the most dangerous being brown recluse and black widow. Their venomous bites can be harmful and deadly to humans. While not deadly, other spiders can be a nuisance with bites and web creation. These bites can lead to allergic reactions, red bumps, and pain. The presence of spiders can cause discomfort or fear in some people, known as arachnophobia. This fear can lead to emotional distress and impact comfort in living spaces. Their webs can also be a cosmetic and cleaning nuisance to owners. Spiders are common near lakes and rivers, as these areas are filled with food and great habitat. They will use things such as cottages or buildings close to these habitats to build a home.

The Four Seasons Way!

 Here at Four Seasons, we understand spiders are prevalent in Michigan, especially in Big Rapids. No matter where you live or what you are surrounded by spiders are commonplace in the Big Rapids/Mecosta County area. Any place that has structure or a way to keep spiders out of the elements they will call home. We pride ourselves on making sure your places are pest-free guarantee. We offer the best spider treatment in our basic general pest control service and general pest control bundles. Our process is simple and easy. First, we offer a free inspection/meet-in-greet. Second, we inspect the areas for spider activity. Third, the technician applies pest control to care for your critters. At Four Seasons Ext, we can be your Big Rapids spider pest control company. Please contact us or fill out a free instant price quote below.