Our Services
Our Pest and Rodent Control Services
Four Seasons Exterminating offers Affordable, Reliable, Safe, and Effective Pest Control Solutions and Maintenance Treatment Plans in Grand Rapids, MI and surrounding areas that are Guaranteed. Our extermination services can help you safeguard your property from the nuisance and damage caused by over 30 common pests. Don’t let pests invade your space and harm your health. Our team of experts will work diligently to eradicate pests from your property and prevent further infestations. Trust us to provide a safe, efficient, and effective solution.
Some of the most common pests in and around Grand Rapids, MI that we treat for are:
- American Bumble Bee
- American Pelecinid Wasp
- Ants
- Carpenter Ants
- Carpenter Bees
- Carpet Beetles
- Centipedes
- Cockroaches
- Common Thread Waisted Wasp
- Cuckoo Wasp
- Dogwood Sawfly
- Bald Faced Hornet
- Black Carpenter Ants
- Bed bugs
- Bees
- Beetles
- Black Carpenter Ants
- Boxelder Bugs
- Black Wasp
- Blue-Winged Wasp
- Braconid Wasp
- Earwigs
- Eastern Carpenter Bee
- Eastern Yellow Jacket
- Elm Sawfly
- European Hornet
- Fleas
- Flat Bug
- Ground Bees
- Hornets
- Horn Tail Wasp
- Helmet Squash Bug
- Juniper Stink Bug
- Ladybugs
- Longed Horned Bee
- Mice
- Milkweed Bug
- Millipedes
- Paper Wasp
- Pill Bugs
- Potter Wasp
- Powder Post Beetles
- Red Shouldered Bug
- Red Pavement Ant
- Sand Wasp
- Spiders
- Spider Wasp
- Spined Soldier Bug
- Silverfish
- Sow Bugs
- Sweat Bee
- Termites
- Termite Infestations
- Thread Leg Asian Bug
- Two Spotted Stink Bug
- Western Conifer Seed Bug
- Wheel Bug
Below are some of the pest control treatment plans Four Seasons Exterminating offers on a one-time or re-occurring no-obligation agreement.
Are you looking for another service? Give us a call at 989-352-7777 today!